Our Technologies

Driving a sustainable future with renewable energy, RIC Energy specialises in technologies such as photovoltaics, green hydrogen, energy storage and biogas. Discover how we transform natural resources and waste into clean energy for a greener, more efficient planet.

Solar Energy, the origin of RIC

RIC Energy is a pioneer in the development of photovoltaic energy, an activity it started in Spain almost twenty years ago and has taken to more than 14 nations on four continents.

We have delivered or are about to complete projects for almost 4,000 MW and we currently have a photovoltaic portfolio of more than 12,000 MW.

Among the countries where RIC Energy is present, the United States stands out with nearly 2,000 MW, of which some 700 MW are in New York State, where we are one of the largest developers.

We have also been pioneers in many African countries, such as Uganda, where we have built two of the largest plants in the region, Kabulasoke and Nkongue, with more than 20 MW each, and in South Africa, where we have developed close to 3,000 MW.

In Europe, in addition to Spain, Italy stands out, where we are developing around 200 MW of photovoltaic power.

Our clients include companies such as Hanwha-QCells, TrinaSolar, Sonnedix or Ligthsource BP, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, Georgia Power, National Grid, Panasonic, NYSEG, American Electric Power, among others.

Green hydrogen and derivatives, the road to decarbonisation

RIC Energy has developed more than 15 green hydrogen projects and derivatives with a total electrolysis capacity of more than 3 GW.

We have some of the most advanced green hydrogen projects in Spain. The HydRIC project, in collaboration with Repsol, has an initial 30 MW electrolyser, with plans to expand up to 200 MW, and is scheduled to come on stream in 2026. This initiative has received a grant from the European Union’s Next Generation funds.

It is also committed to the development of plants for the production of sustainable synthetic fuels for aviation (eSAF) and for the maritime sector (e-methanol), which is made from green hydrogen and biogenic CO2.

At RIC Energy we currently have three projects under development that would involve a total production of around 150,000 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuels, equivalent to the amount consumed on around 30,000 flights from Madrid to Mallorca.

We are also partners and shareholders in Fertighy, a European consortium for the manufacture of green fertilisers, in which Heineken, Siemens, In Vivo and Grupo Maire also participate. To this end, we have projects aimed at the synthesis of green ammonia, with a planned production of around 1 million tonnes per year.

RIC Energy brings to these projects strategic locations supported by nearby renewable generation, an activity in which the company has more than 20 years of experience. In addition to a great knowledge of the renewable industrial sector, RIC incorporates into its projects alliances with leading technologists and engineering firms in the sector.

Biogas and biomethane, the power of the circular economy

With twenty biogas and biomethane projects under development, an estimated annual production of more than 1,000 GW and more than two million tonnes of waste processed per year, RIC Energy is one of the key players in the promotion of this clean energy source.

Biogas and biomethane plants break down organic matter without oxygen, producing biogas (methane and CO2) and fertilisers. The biogas can be refined to biomethane as a clean fuel, while the fertilisers are used in agriculture to make it more sustainable.

These plants reduce organic waste due to biogas production and therefore result in more efficient waste management. Turning waste into energy reduces the contribution of polluting gases that cause climate change. In addition, green fertilisers are generated for agriculture.

Replacing fossil fuels with biogas and biomethane can reduce the sector’s CO2 emissions by more than 12%, according to the International Energy Agency.

Storage, a guarantee of success for renewables

More than 300 MW in around twenty projects in the pipeline in seven Spanish autonomous communities and an additional 1 GW in the process of obtaining access and connection permits.

We specialise in large-scale grid-connected storage projects that will enable the penetration of renewable energy projects and contribute to the stability of the Spanish electricity grid.

Our projects offer an innovative technological solution aligned with the most demanding environmental and territorial requirements. We also have partnerships with local and regional institutions where our projects are installed, as well as with AEPIBAL, Asociación Empresarial de Pilas, Baterías y Almacenamiento Energético (Batteries, Cells and Energy Storage Business Association).

In addition, since June 2024 we have been representatives of the Storage sector on the Board of Directors of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF), an association that brings together more than 800 companies in the solar photovoltaic sector in Spain.

Wind power: past and present of renewables. The commitment to hybridisation

RIC Energy is also committed to wind energy, and continues to see the intrinsic value of this mature technology in its ability to provide renewable energy at peak seasons and times of day, helping to stabilise both the generation curve and wholesale energy prices.

We are currently developing ambitious projects aimed at upcoming capacity tenders. These include hybrid opportunities exceeding 600 MW in wind energy, mainly located in hubs in Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y León, without ruling out entry into new territories.

In addition, our wind division is progressing in the processing of self-consumption projects for industrial hydrogen (H2) and derivatives (H2+) projects. These projects will benefit from renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), ensuring the certification of hydrogen as RFNBO (Renewable Non-Biological Fuels of Origin).

In South Africa, RIC Energy is developing several projects exceeding 1 GW of capacity.

As a collaborative partner of the Wind Energy Association (AEE, in Spanish), RIC Energy is positioned as a leader in the wind sector, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and energy sustainability.


Collaboration is key, and we take pride in our partnerships with local communities, industry players, and investors that make our renewable energy projects a reality.